Sakeer Hussain

Different professionals use AI in healthcare and show how it can change life.

AI In Healthcare: A New Eye-opening And Productive Discovery 

Can you think of a situation where we can diagnose or discover powerful medicines faster that saves thousands of human beings? It is an excellent idea, isn’t it? Yes, it is possible in the healthcare system.  The covid-19 has changed every sector, including health. The arrival of this disease made scientists think of another method […]

AI In Healthcare: A New Eye-opening And Productive Discovery  Read More »

An air taxi that drops the passenger and leaves for the next pickup.

Soar To New Heights: 7 Best Air Taxi Companies In The World

Most people like traveling, but they hesitate due to the traffic and waiting time. This was a serious problem in road transportation, and experts were searching for alternative modes that give convenience and affordability. This led to a concept called air cabs or air taxis. Wonderfully, this method can avoid long lines and road traffic,

Soar To New Heights: 7 Best Air Taxi Companies In The World Read More »

What Is Quantum Computing? How Can It Empower The Future Technology?

Imagine a future where discoveries in medicine, business optimization, and artificial intelligence happen in a fraction of the time. Do you wonder how this is going to happen? This is the world quantum computing promises to help humans solve problems beyond their reach now. Today, traditional computers struggle to keep up with complex calculations, such

What Is Quantum Computing? How Can It Empower The Future Technology? Read More »