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We hear people saying they have someone inspired their life, mostly a teacher. But, how did they become a favourite to someone? Have you ever thought of it? Why did someone pick one from many? There are many questions in your mind now. Indeed, these people are unique from others.
They are not teachers who only teach you from the book. There is something special in them. But we understand that they ignited your mind and led you to success. So, let’s talk about modern teachers and traditional teachers. Walk with me on the journey to analyze your teachers to know which category they are in.
Unveiling the Essence of a Traditional Teacher
In traditional teaching, the one who teaches controls the learning environment. In the past, teachers held power and responsibilities and played maximum roles. They instruct, make decisions, and do not accept innovative methods.
Uncovering the Positives of Traditional Education
1. Discipline: A traditional class’s fundamental component is discipline. It believes discipline leads to effective learning. Traditional teachers communicate the rules and expectations in the class, such as behaviour, respect for authorities and peers, etc.
2. Effortless potion completion: As the students are well disciplined in the class, it is easy to complete the potion. The students are not allowed to interfere during the class. The effort is less than the modern because students do not take part in the process. One of its main advantages is that the syllabus stays the same for a long time.
Uncovering the Negatives of Traditional Education
1. Limited Freedom: The class structure restricts physical and psychological freedom as it gives more importance to the discipline. The students sit in their places, limiting their physical movement in the classroom.
1. Limited Freedom: The class structure restricts physical and psychological freedom as it gives more importance to the discipline. The students sit in their places, limiting their physical movement in the classroom.
Unlocking the Secrets of the 21st Century Educator
In the 21st century, educators no longer go by the title of “teachers.” Instead, they adopt the roles of facilitators or mentors, aiding and guiding students’ learning journeys. This approach shifts the focus away from the teacher-centric model towards one that is child-centred, prioritising students and their learning.
The Positives of Modern Teachers
1. More freedom: Modern teachers do not restrict movement in the class, clarifying doubts and asking questions. The teacher is a friend here who is always with the students through their educational journey. They must motivate students to be self-directed learners.
2. Welcome Suggestions: A modern educator always thinks education is a collaboration and welcomes student suggestions. Students can express their thoughts and ideas and contribute to the learning environment. A 21st-century educator looks for new technology to simplify efforts.
The Negatives of Modern Teachers
1. Must update: Knowledge is never-ending. Innovative teachers must always be aware of what is happening around them, especially in technology. Teachers must follow different classroom environment tactics, and management skills to address students’ individual needs.
2. Parental Involvement: Building a good relationship with parents and engaging them in their child’s education can sometimes be challenging. Teachers must find effective ways to communicate and address the concerns of the parents.
The Ideal Qualities of Teachers
A teacher is a person who can help students develop everything. Teachers must possess all positive skills and must accept innovation. Adapting to the new teaching mode and method is a must quality for a mentor.
A mentor is like a tree that always provides shade in students’ lives. More than parents, teachers can play a vital role in a student’s life. Teachers must learn counselling, guidance, being a friend, and being a guardian.
Finally, a question arises, who is the best teacher? The new generation teachers have some advantages over the others. It is child-centric and assists children to be creative for a better future. A teacher is someone who eases learning to students. Children are the most valuable people in education.
With this point, we conclude that a modern teachers are the best fit for this 21st century. Now you can understand how a teacher became your favourite. So be sure you become a teacher who keeps up with the current trend.